HALLE 14 – Centre for contemporary Art

As a non-profit art centre, HALLE 14 is a place for the presentation of contemporary art as well as a space for reflection and communication. It has been operating since 2002 in a listed historic industrial building on the grounds of the Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei (Cotton Spinning Mill).

Taking advantage of the »luxury of emptiness« in the generous halls of this late 19th century industrial building, a group of art enthusiasts has over time created unique spaces for the presentation and production of art. Today, a multi-functional visitor centre with library offers 600 m² for learning, reading and lingering. A 2,400 m² exhibition hall is available as a presentation space for contemporary art. There are also a workspace for art education, 16 studios for international and local artists and seven workshops. This careful development was awarded the Hieronymus Lotter Prize for Historic Preservation in 2012 and received an honourable mention from the Saxon State Prize for Architecture in 2015.

The Cotton Spinning Mill has developed into a dense artistic sociotope with over a dozen galleries and project spaces, 130 artist studios, numerous other creative offices, a cinema, a café and more. Combined with the countless off-spaces in the surrounding neighbourhood, they create an enriching enviroment.


International Exhibitions

In up to five group exhibitions a year, we present contemporary art from around the world on various topics. In these exhibitions, we cast a critical eye on timely questions (»The Culture of Fear« 2006, »Terra Mediterranea: In Action« 2016), challenge customary perceptions (»An das Gerät!« 2010) and bring art regions less recognised in the West into focus (»Pause the Pulse: Portrait of Accra« 2010/11, »Overseas: Cuba and the Bahamas« 2017). Since 2003, over 450 art professionals from 50 countries from five continents have shown their works in nearly 40 exhibitions.



Our event programme considers current questions in art through regularly-scheduled talks, discussion groups, film screenings, art performances and artist's talks. Artists, art experts and researchers bring their work and theories to the public for discussion. Multi-day symposia on the subject of revitalising historical industrial buildings through art and culture were held in 2002 (»How Architecture Can Think Socially«) and 2010 (»How to survive?«).


Art Library

In our art library, a 25,000 volume reference collection of contemporary art literature is available for all art and book lovers with no advance reservation. Discover current art catalogues from around the world in more than 40 languages. Most are very rare and seldom found at booksellers. You will also find an archive with publications from resident artists at the Spinnerei. You can search our online catalogue in the visitor centre and in the Internet.


Art Education Programme

Our art education programme offers children, youth and adults the incentive and opportunity to interact with artworks, exhibitions and artists. Drawing inspiration from proximity to the art production at the Spinnerei, we design workshops with artists in close cooperation with Leipzig schools. We also offer a drawing circle (Thursdays, 4.30pm) and holiday courses. In 2013 and 2015, our art education projects were awarded the Saxon Media Literacy Prize and in 2015 nominated for the Klicksafe Prize.


Studio Programme

Our studio programme offers artists from around the world a defined period of time in Leipzig to work on new projects, do on-site research and connect to networks. This is done in cooperation with international partner organisations and Leipzig’s sister cities. There have been more than 50 guest artists from South Korea, Mexico, Tunisia, Israel, the United Kingdom, France, Poland, Slovakia, Italy and the USA among others.



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